
It’s Finally (Almost) 2021: Tips For Marketing to the New Year’s Eve Homebody

I know it’s felt like ages since the initial declaration that we were in a global pandemic by the CDC back in early March.

Yet, somehow, some way, we’ve made it 9+ months and although we’re suffering through some virus surges in various locations across the country and world, I think we can all safely assume that 2021 can’t come fast enough.

Vaccines offer some kind of light at the end of the tunnel, and it seems that this last bit of lockdown is brutal but we’ve made it this far, people! Let’s keep our heads up and get through it!

New Year’s Eve is certainly going to look a little different this year, as everything has in this wild and wacky year.

So let’s look at things from an e-commerce perspective…

New Year’s Eve is generally a time when consumers meet up with family and friends to ring in the new year with a sense of togetherness. However, the global pandemic is putting the kibosh on big NYE bashes in the name of public health and safety.

Even before the pandemic, the younger generations were taking the night off from partying. A 2019 YPulse survey found that 69% of 19-37-year-olds said they would rather stay in on New Year’s than go out.

Self-care rituals and binge-watching have replaced partying for younger consumers who want to enjoy NYE at home.

For marketers, this means a change in traditional NYE campaigns. Where you might have emphasized products and services that are suited for a night out, like party dresses and limo rentals, now you need to strategize to appeal to those planning a night at home.

Breathe new life into your New Year’s campaigns with these ideas to keep you connected with your audience and boost conversions.

1. Contests and Giveaways

Keep things exciting and gamify your deals by offering contests and giveaways. You can utilize social channels to do so, or randomize coupon giveaways when people end up on specific landing pages.

Think about ways to reach the passive consumer who might feel “all shopped out” by this time after Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and even the last dash before the winter holidays.

Everybody loves to feel like they won something. Offer that as a possibility, and even non-winners will be excited to be a part of the fun. This should lead to higher commissions and payouts and products sold.

2. Support customers’ 2021 goals

I think “new year, new me” is going to hit a little different this year. Weight loss, education, mental health, and other forms of betterment will continue to be even more important than usual around New Years.

Transitioning away from 2020 (hell?) should be an opportunity to help customers keep their ideals in mind and to be more hopeful than in previous years. We’ll have our resolutions in mind around this time like normal, but an even stronger urge to do better will exist this year for all.

If your products align with those ideals, push that. We’re stuck at home. We can use a pick-me-up and that could come in the form of a purchase.

3. Suggest Ideas to Stay Entertained at Home

Just because there won’t be any parties this year doesn’t mean consumers can’t have fun. Brands should tailor their ads to suggest products and services that will keep consumers entertained at home.

Companies that sell games, puzzles, books, and at-home spa treatments have a tremendous opportunity to connect with audiences. For example, streaming company, Netflix, suggested 10 family-friendly shows for parents and kids to watch together as they ring in the new year.

Of course, you may say “that’s Netflix” and that you don’t have the same type of platform. However, I’d disagree with any brand that thinks they can’t learn from that level of creativity. Work with your inventory and editorialize how you market your products to appeal to – frankly – bored consumers with lots of time on their hands.

4. Send well wishes

You don’t need to bombard consumers with holiday deals – chances are they shopped your Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Christmas deals already.

Sending an email or posting “Happy New Year” on social media are good ways to connect with your audience and let them know you want to be a part of their new year.

5. Free delivery in and around NYE/New Year’s Day

A simple offer such as free delivery can be the difference between getting the sale and not getting the sale. Shoppers are likely to search for timely deals around the New Year’s Eve day itself. If they’re looking for products, they’ll probably want them ASAP.

Take full advantage of that sense of urgency.

Hope these tips helped. If you’re interested in a further conversation about developing an affiliate program, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you.

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